Domestic Abuse

If you are the victim of domestic abuse or coercise and controlling behaviour it is vital that you seek support to keep yourself safe.  There are excellent resources below, and you can speak to one of our clinicians in confidence at your appointment.  

Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline - message the hard of hearing number 07534 617 website, call 08000 198668, text the hard of hearing number 07534 617252 or email

National Domestic Abuse Helpline (for women): 0808 2000 247 

Men's Advice Line: 0808 8010 327 Sexual Assault and Incest Line - Freephone helpline and Drop-in service on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 10am-2pm - 08000 282 678 If something is troubling you, contact samaritans via their website or by phone (24/7) on 116 123